

Softonic review

drrr chatbot extension (kiwi browser)

The drrr chatbot extension for the Kiwi browser is a highly customizable tool that brings multiple chatbot functionalities to the platform. With simple setup, users can enjoy features such as publishing customized messages, automatically sending welcome messages to new guests, and maintaining white and black lists to automatically kick certain guests. The extension also allows users to search for and play music, create playlists, and collect favorites. Additionally, it offers the ability to automatically lock direct messages and me messages, as well as customize event actions.

The high level of customization makes it easy for users to create their own chatbots. For further discussion and support, users can join the developer's Discord channel. The extension's manual provides detailed instructions on how to use its features effectively.

Version 1.7 of the extension introduces several improvements and new features, including support for stickers, multi-account functionality, and friend searching. It also includes a tripcode explorer, room message recorder, and room keeper. Additionally, the update enhances the music functionality by adding two new music sources and optimizing existing ones. The extension now supports black and white lists, and several bugs have been fixed.

Overall, the drrr chatbot extension (kiwi browser) offers a comprehensive set of chatbot features with high customization options, making it a valuable tool for users of the platform.

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